marketing team

where the magic (puns) happen


Welcome to the party central of our hotel—our Marketing Department! These maestros of the meme, architects of ads, and sultans of social media turn every project into a spectacle that's hard to forget. Whether you’re cruising through your morning commute or scrolling through TikTok at midnight, there’s a good chance you’ve seen their handiwork—and puns.

From the newsletters that find their way into your inbox each month to each personal touch of humour and personality throughout the hotel, our marketing team ensures our presence sticks with you long after you’ve checked out. Fun events, punny signs, and maybe even a few surprises during your stay, it's most likely got their handprints all over it. And yes, even editing this website you're on (how meta).

So, if you ever feel the urge to comment or like a post that's 90% pun 10% ad, you know who's behind the curtain.

Wondering what all the fuss is about? Check out our social channels HERE and give us a follow!